Join us now!Read free swingers stories online
Hi! Welcome to one of the largest adult contacts site for swingers from the UK and worldwide. Here will find everything related to swingers and the lifestyle. You can view free ads, read free sex blogs, use board, chat rooms and forum. Recently we have added swingers blogs to our free features and there is already a significant collection of swingers stories added by our members. Now all members can keep their own blogs on the site and share their experience, tips, advice and much more. We have a list of the most popular topics that includes "swinger", "personals", "party" etc. You need only select one from the list and the system will return all posts containing the word required.
Contribute your swinging stories to our collection. We would appreciate very much if you publish your swinger stories in your blogs. This is a great chance to attract other member’s interest to your profile. Every day thousands of swingers from the UK and worldwide search for sorties published on the site
Swingers board and chat rooms
Find new cute and sexy swingers at the board. This is a place where couples post their ads announcing when seeking other hot couples. Post your ad today and be ready to receive tons of replies.
Don’t forget to add your picture where you and your partners are shown at least shoulders-to-knees. Nothing attracts as much attention from our swinger personals as pictures.
Use free swingers forum to learn about adult events and upcoming parties.
Swingers chat rooms is a free feature we offer all our members. Chat rooms provide you with a chance to know a couple better before you finally decide whether you are interested in them or not. Also there is a great chance that you meet there swingers from your area whose profile you may have missed in regular search results. You may spend unlimited time in the chat rooms making as much contacts as you want. When in chat rooms, remember some simple rules. If you decide to get in touch with someone, read their profile first. You may do it right from the chat room, so there is no need to log out. This will help you to avoid asking some questions that have already been answered in the profile. You can initiate a private conversation i.e. invite a member to a private chat room. However before doing that ask these members if they want to be invited. We would recommend that you do not disclose any personals information such as street address etc. when in chat. You may share it within an email message or at least in private chat room.